

Here is the statement read to Council last night

Safe Walks – North District

Good evening. My name is Renee and I represent North District Neighborhoods of Meadowbrook, Cedar Park, Lake City, Olympic Hills, Pinehurst, Victory Heights and Maple Leaf.

Collectively our group recognized as Safe Walks North District, represents 70,000 people and 12 elementary, middle and high schools. We are coming forward because we see a need for funding for critical sidewalks and crosswalks in our neighborhoods not being met through existing programs such as the Neighborhood Street Fund, Cumulative Reserve Fund, Bridging the Gap, Neighborhood Matching Funds, Safe Routes to School and the recent Sidewalks Initiative.

When representatives from the North District Council met in 2007 and again in 2008 to discuss our prioritization of applications for the Neighborhood Street Fund, Cumulative Reserve Fund and Bridging the Gap, we unfortunately had to choose projects that would benefit one neighborhood’s children and seniors over those of another. We recognized that we must address these serious public health and safety issues as one voice. We shouldn’t be making a “Sophie’s Choice” about sidewalks.

In the North District, as in other late annexed sections of Seattle, we lack infrastructure that other parts of the City have benefited from including sidewalks to safely get from one place to another. As the city grows and looks to areas like the North District to accommodate more residents, it needs to provide the proper infrastructure to make getting around without a personal vehicle easy and efficient. A walkable neighborhood is the backbone to a healthy, sustainable community.

As you know the mayor and the city have taken big steps to address carbon emissions by proposing a fee on bags in grocery stores and issuing executive orders to eliminate the purchase of bottled water. However transportation makes up over 50% of carbon emissions in the city. We want to do the right thing when it comes to reducing our carbon footprint, which means things like biking, walking or taking the bus to school, but we need to be provided reasonable choices. Moving vehicles continues to be a priority, while safe walkways for people have been overlooked by the city for over 50 years.

Lack of drainage and sidewalks force folks in our neighborhoods to walk unsafely in arterial streets. Our organized group Safe Walks, has waited long enough. It is time we are safe walking and biking in our community.

We have a list of projects identified by our neighborhoods. At this time we are in the process of rating each project using the SDOT rating scale. Additionally, our rating recognizes the projects that might qualify for some existing funding.

Thank you for this opportunity to speak with you tonight. On behalf of the North District Neighborhoods of Meadowbrook, Cedar Park, Lake City, Olympic Hills, Pinehurst, Victory Heights and Maple Leaf, I ask that you support our future funding requests for the most critical sidewalks and crossings in our neighborhoods.

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