

Do you have a street or park project that you would like to see happen in Pinehurst?

A sidewalk? A crosswalk? Traffic calming? Curb bulbs?

Once a year, community members throughout Seattle nominate neighborhood projects for consideration for funding through the Neighborhood Street Fund and Cumulative Reserve Subfund (aka the NSF/CRS). This is a competitive process and many worthy project ideas are submitted. But, submitting a project is important because it tells the city what is important to neighbors and it helps to draw attention even to projects that may not get funding from NSF/CRF.

The 125th street sidewalk is a Pinehurst project that recently received funding from NSF/CRF.

If you submit an application, please let me know so that I can let John Sullivan (our Pinehurst representative to North District Council, the group that decides which projects receive funding) know so that he can let you know the status of your application, answer any questions that you have and help to advocate for Pinehurst projects.

Deadline for applications is February 27, 2009.

Learn more and apply on-line:

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