

Pinehurst Residential Burglary Report: December 2008

There was a significant increase Pinehurst burglaries in December and they are all forced entry. It appears that the same suspects are responsible for most of them.

As always, if you have any questions on crime prevention or if you would like to form a block watch, please contact Diane Horswill ( or at (206) 684-7711) at the North Precinct. Also, there is some good information on crime prevention here.

12/02 11500blk 17th NE reported at 2:30PM, the resident was gone all day, when she returned she found that her front door had been kicked in and drawers and shelves had been dumped, an air rifle and cash were the only items taken

12/04 12000 12th NE reported at 3:38PM the residents were gone all day, when they returned they found that the front doors (double doors) had been kicked in, a TV and collector coins were taken

12/05 12300blk 8th NE reported at 2:07PM the residents were gone from early morning until mid afternoon, when they returned they discovered that the front door had been kicked in, a TV, laptop and Ipod were among the items taken

12/09 11700blk 22nd NE reported at 1:32PM, the resident came home to find that someone attempted to kick in the front door but failed because they set off an unmonitored alarm and because there was an interior door stop

12/09 800blk NE 120th reported at 6:21PM the residents were gone all day, when they returned they found the back door open and a number of items missing

12/09 1900blk NE 115th reported at 9:03PM the residents were gone all day, when they returned they discovered that the front door had been removed from its hinges, a laptop, two flatscreen TV’s, an Ipod, I-home system, jewelry and cash had been stolen

12/12 12500blk 19th NE reported at 8:49PM the residents were gone for the day, when they returned they found a rear window open and DVD’s and cash missing, the victim suspects his relative who he has had problems with in the past

12/13 800blk NE 115th reported at 8:42PM the residents were away for the evening, when they returned they found a back window broken out and a laptop, digital camera, LCD TV, X-box and several games missing

12/15 12500blk 25th NE reported at 9:53PM the residents were gone all day and when they returned they discovered their front door had been kicked in, a laptop and cash were stolen

12/27 11700blk 9th NE reported at 3:16PM the resident was gone for the afternoon and when he returned he noticed that a rear bedroom window had been broken and cash was missing from his night stand

12/29 11300blk 19th NE reported at 1:45PM the resident was gone for a couple of hours during the day, when he returned he found that a basement window had been broken so that the burglar could unlock it, personal and financial papers had been rifled but nothing was taken

12/29 2000blk NE 120th reported at 5:32PM the residents were gone all day and when they returned they found their back door kicked in, two laptops, video games, a cell phone and designer jeans were stolen, a neighbor told the office she saw two Asian males in a small black sedan pull into the driveway and then knock on the front door

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