

Tell Mayor McGinn to Save the Ingraham Trees

The Seattle School District is still trying to cut down about 50 of the large trees on Ingraham High School grounds for an addition.  This is despite the Seattle Hearing Examiner ruling that the tree grove is an uncommon or rare plant habitat in the City of Seattle.  City law says such areas should be saved.  The School District could build the proposed addition in the open lawn area instead of in the tree grove.

If you support saving the trees, you may email Mayor McGinn and tell him to deny the School District’s current proposed building site and to require teh School District to save the trees and build elsewhere on campus, like the open north lawn.

For more information contact Steve Zemke, Save the Trees – Seattle,

1 comment to Tell Mayor McGinn to Save the Ingraham Trees

  • Garth Ferber

    Nancy – thanks for posting this. I feel strongly that a group of trees this large on public land should be saved. It is unbelievable that the School Board thinks that these trees must be cut when there are so many other ways to expand the classroom space at Ingraham. Especially now that we know so much about how trees improve our quality of life and with City efforts in general to promote trees! Please send the mayor a letter or email today!

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