

North Precinct Advisory Council Minutes – October 2021

The special topic at the NPAC meeting this month was an update on Seattle’s Consent Decree with U.S. Department of Justice. Monisha Harrell, Deputy Monitor, was guest speaker. We’re in our 10th year of being monitored while implementing improvements in SPD policies and procedures after complaints were made to DOJ about excessive use of force.

In 2012 Seattle was deemed to be in compliance and moved into a 2 year sustainment phase, but then fell out of compliance over a SPOG (police union) action that compromised accountability. Current negotiations for the new SPOG contract are being watched closely. And the monitors are very concerned about what defunding the police might mean for Seattle’s ability to stay in compliance with the decree.

The City Attorney’s Office and King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office representatives were asked to explain how some felony charges can be refiled as misdemeanor charges. This is relevant due to some policy stances of the candidates running for City Attorney. See the minutes.

Captan Stampfl talked about catalytic converter thefts and encampments, among other things.

See all the minutes here.

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