

Residential Burglary Report – July 2008

Here is the July 2008 Residential Burglary Report. We have included Olympic Hills stats as well because there is a bit of a blurry border between our two neighborhoods. It was surprising for me to see the Olympic Hills stats compared with those in Pinehurst. It made me realize how low our incidence rate is compared with other neighborhoods.

As always, if you have any questions on crime prevention or if you would like to form a block watch, please contact Diane Horswill ( at the North Precinct. Also, there is some good information on crime prevention here.


7/09 12300 blk 20th NE, reported at 2:06 PM, officers were sent to this location due to an alarm trip, when they arrived they found a basement window smashed, there was no indication that entry was made

7/10 800 blk NE 125th, reported at 11:00 AM, resident reports that a bike light was taken from her unlocked garage

7/25 12000 blk 25th NE, reported at 1:00 PM, resident said he left the house and did not lock the front door as his roommates were still in the house asleep, the suspect(s) entered the unlocked door and stole several items

*unofficial stats


7/02 14000 blk 32nd NE reported at 8:00 PM, the victims states that items were removed from his apt. bldg. storage unit, no sign that the lock was forced

7/02 1900 blk NE 145th reported at 11:17 PM, the victim was gone all day and when she returned she discovered some food missing and items moved, nothing of value was taken, and there was no damage to her locks, she believes it was the apt maintenance or an ex-boyfriend

7/03 3100 blk NE 145th, reported at 4:18 PM, victims were gone most of the day and when they returned to the apt. they discovered the place ransacked and items missing, they had a video camera that showed two males at the door but they were not recognizable

7/05 12900 blk 20th NE, reported at 12:15 PM, the victim arrived home to see 2 Hispanic males teens coming out of her back yard, she went inside to discover a broken window and jewelry missing

7/10 2700 blk NE 144th, reported at 5:00 PM, a neighbor of the victim found one of her dogs in her yard and when to check on the house, she discovered that the door had been forced and a flat screen TV had been stolen

7/14 14300 blk 17 NE, reported at 8:00 PM, the victim has ongoing problems with a neighbor who he believes removed a window screen and entered his house, no property was missing

7/17 3000 NE 145th, reported at 4:48 PM, the victims left their apt. at noon and returned around 4:00 PM to discover they had been burglarized, there were no signs of forced entry although the sliding door lock does not work well, a computer monitor and Playstation were taken

7/26 3000 blk NE 145th, reported at 6:30 PM, the victim says he has a conflict with a friend who said she was going to come over to his apt. to steal some property, when he got home he discovered his laptop computer was gone, no sign of forced entry

7/27 14300 blk 30th NE, reported at 4:28 PM, victim arrived home after work to discover his apt had been broken into through the glass back door, a laptop, software and a DVD player were missing

7/30 13700blk 19th NE, reported at 2:20PM, the resident went out for a few hours during the day, when she returned she found a back window broken and her TV missing

*Unofficial stats

1 comment to Residential Burglary Report – July 2008

  • c

    That’s the GREAT tips on crime prevention. I’m glad I read this. We will definitely consider plexiglass option for our side doors!

    Thanks for your monthly report. It really raises our awareness to possible burglars/burglaries… Any of burglars haven’t caught at all?? Any info about them or cars they used?

    btw, how many people are subscribed to this blog update?

    I see more comments on other community blogs, it would be great to see more people leave comments to add more united-community-feel to this blog, returning favor to Renee’s effort!

    We could report when you saw something suspicious happened to your blocks/house, or something fun for neighbors to join, … 🙂

    Anyone next?

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