

Letters written on behalf of the Pinehurst community

One issue that we would like to start a discussion about is how folks feel about letters written by Pinehurst Community Council on behalf of the Pinehurst neighborhood. Many community councils, district councils and similar organizations are often asked to write letters in support or opposition of various issues.

Some examples of recent requests that Pinehurst Community Council has received for opinion letters include: a request to oppose cutting of trees at Ingraham High School and a request to support a landmark status request application for Lake City School. The issues that are the subject of these requests are often controversial and the support letters are usually requested to show community support on a specific side of the debate.

Recently, we made a decision to not write any new letters representing the Pinehurst neighborhood until we have a community discussion and get input from as large a group of neighbors as possible. We wonder about the appropriateness of writing letters representing the community as a whole on issues on which many of us within the community have different thoughts and positions.

Feel free to comment below. We are listening. And, we will likely have this as an agenda item at our next Pinehurst community meeting on May 4th.

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