

Square Meal? Good Deal?

Has anyone been to the new restaurant that replaced the Burrito Express (one of my personal favorites in the neighborhood – I was really sad to see it go) on 15th Ave NE across from Safeway?

4 comments to Square Meal? Good Deal?

  • Anonymous

    My husband and I just tried Square Meal last night. We loved the burritos at the old place and were sad to see it go. But it’s another independent business, so I wanted to give it a try. Well…not bad, but nothing better than one could get at the Safeway or QFC deli counter. And not really cheaper either. Slow cooked meats, tender but bland. Cooked veggies, simple and what one would expect. Undercooked rice, and a menu that mixes dishes from Mexico, Italy, Morocco, Greece, and the southern US. Maybe too much for any one thing to stand out??

  • Anonymous

    My husband and I have tried their food twice. It is not bad, but I thought that the portions were kind of small.

  • DanaeK

    Yeah, I gave them a shot. Food was homey. Nothing fancy but filled my belly. The guy was supper nice. The variety of dishes did startle me. It’s hard to do that many things great. But they were all done well.

  • My Other Car's the Tardis

    Does this place have a website or URL yet? Thanks for blogging about this new business…

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