

Northgate Pizza: A welcome addition to the neighborhood

Peder e-mailed me this weekend recommending a visit to Northgate Pizza on 15th Ave NE in the middle of the Pinehurst business district. I stopped by the shop Sunday afternoon and met Steve, one of the personable new owners. He gave me a menu and told me they should have their web site up soon. (I will post the link as soon as it is available.)

When I got home, I gave my family the menu and they all agreed to order from Northgate Pizza for dinner. We ordered a large pizza with half plain cheese and half pepperoni and six BBQ hot wings. The order arrived well within the promised 40 minutes and was delivered by Mahi, the equally personable co-owner. Mahi explained that they make the dough themselves at the shop every two to three days. No frozen dough at Northgate Pizza. My kids were hungry and were devouring the pizza before Mahi could leave the driveway.

After dinner, everyone gave their candid assessment: four thumbs up for Northgate Pizza. My kids and husband are a tough sell when it comes to pizza, but they are sold on Northgate Pizza. Decide for yourself: Northgate Pizza 206-364-2009, on the corner of NE 120th and 15th Ave NE.

9 comments to Northgate Pizza: A welcome addition to the neighborhood

  • Anonymous

    I am all for new restaurants in our neighborhood but do we really need another pizza place? Let’s face it, we all love eating pizza, but there is enough cheese on about ½ a slice of pizza to give us all of our recommended fat for the day.

    For me, ½ a slice of pizza is not very fulfilling and hard to stop at. I am glad we have our Thai restaurants on 15th and Lake City Way and I miss Zoopa’s at the mall.

  • Renee

    You can still eat at Chayo – and the great Eritrean and Ethiopian restaurants in the neighborhood.

    What I have heard from neighborhood folks over and over again is that they want to see more neighborhood business that they can walk to instead of driving even to the mall.

    I am excited that we have Steve and Mahi taking a chance on a business in our neighborhood in this very challenging economic times. I would much rather see an independent pizza shop than a Dominos. And I would much rather see a business than an empty store front.

    Steve and Mahi are not rich guys. And, if we don't support their business, they will not be here for long. My family has been cutting back on all expenses, but we will order from Northgate Pizza and Amante instead of our old standbys. Neighborhood first. But, that is just my philosophy. I like to support small business and my neighbors.

  • Anonymous

    I agree with Renee! I'd much rather give my business to a local pizza shop rather than a pizza chain. Do we need another pizza place? Probably not. But choices are good (even if it is a choice between Amante, Romios, Pagliacci). While we're on the topic of food, don't forget the Gyro Hut next to Taco Del Mar…ok, now I'm hungry.

  • Jodi

    I agree – our budget is tight due to a baby on the way, but supporting the neighborhood businesses is important if we want to KEEP neighborhood businesses. I LOVE hearing about these new places from the blogs – please keep the updates coming!

  • Jillian

    We tried Northgate Pizza a couple days after it opened in July. They have really delicous pizza, and the owners are a pleasure.

    Supporting local businesses makes the food taste better anyway!

  • Anonymous

    Yes! Support your neighborhood businesses! Especially restaurants, as well over half fail within the first year, and that's during normal economic circumstances. I haven't tried Northgate Pizza or Treehouse Coffee yet, but plan to soon – love to be able to walk to good food. The Gyro Hut is very tasty, too!

  • P. M. Atterberry

    Libby and I love having a neighborhood pizza place nearby. Northgate Pizza makes great food and are friendly and courteous. Great addition to the neighborhood.

  • Lamia

    I agree with everyone, support local businesses that need it most. I actually live down in Kent but pay a visit to Northgate pizza every so often because this is the best pizza I have ever had. Tell your family and friends about Northgate pizza and let’s support them 🙂

  • Peg

    Based on this blog, we’re trying Northgate Pizza tonight. Saw below that someone mentioned Treehouse. Treehouse is cozy, serves fresh homemade soup, & a daily newspaper to share with all. Their drive-through service is friendly and the expresso is good.
    I’m happy they’re in our neighborhood.

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