

Google High Speed Internet Pilot Project‏

Google is looking for communities who want them to invest in and help build a fiber (ultra-hi-speed Internet) network. The City of Seattle is applying and needs you to join in by nominating your community to Google and by sharing your interest through our website and Facebook page, and to tell others. Let’s show we care about keeping Seattle a vibrant, sustainable city.

Nominate your community for Google’s fiber pilot project – By March 26th!

No one can predict all of the new applications that will be developed over Google network. That is what makes it so exciting. Bandwidth is the raw material of the information age and the tech savvy residents and businesses of Seattle will experiment with that bandwidth to create new service and applications that will improve our quality of life.

Take action: Residents in other cities are aggressively campaigning for the Google support to build in their communities. Go to to find out more, and link to the Google nomination page and our Facebook page (sign up to be a fan).

Contact or call 684-0600 for additional information.

2 comments to Google High Speed Internet Pilot Project‏

  • Just for an update, I was in contact with the city before they submitted their formal proposal and I’ve been collecting information to submit a proposal for the Pinehurst Community Council and talked about the North District as well…

    But I think this is one of those cases where more input is even better. Because they can get an idea of the level of support as well as get a variety of ideas of why it’s needed and how it might work.

  • Thomas Mercer

    I just heard a story on NPR (“On The Media”, I think)that pointed out that the US is falling way behind other industrialized countries in both the availability of broadband and top speeds. It is probably worth it to include this issue in your communications to Senators Cantwell and Murray and Congressman McDermott. Countries like South Korea already have “access to all” and normal speeds 10 times what I can get via DSL in Pinehurst.

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