

Hubbard Homestead Park Drama

I’m hearing reports of major issues with the current design of Hubbard Homestead Park.  As you may know, they’re converting the 3.73 acre park and ride just north of Northgate into a park.  They are well into the process and there have been numerous public meetings already.  It seems like the  consensus was that the community (and the former owner of the property) wanted to restore the burried historical spring and some of the wetland to create a more natural open space.  But apparently this is now being ignored and they’re doing a man-made water feature instead.

I haven’t seen it myself but Bruce Hubbard was interviewed on King 5 news about this story.  And another blog has already covered this in much greater detail here:

Comments can be sent to Councilmember Sally Bagshaw (chairs city council Parks committee),, Parks Superintendent Tim Gallagher,, and Mayor McGinn,

1 comment to Hubbard Homestead Park Drama

  • Lisa Behrens

    I would like to see our new park space ( Hubbard)designed with open view so as to prevent the drug use that occurs in our new parks-(pinehurst pocket park). If the space is open and designed with less brushy shrubs more like the police station down town-it’s attractive and not a hide-out for crime. If we cannot afford lighting and cameras as I am certain we cannot- the eminent drug use can be discouraged with artfully spreading thin tall trees- like the aspen in front of the police station down town & provide a natural setting without “hiding spots” for crime.

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