

Spring into Bed: Seattle Wide Garden Build Day and Celebration

Pinehurst neighbor Peder Nielson sent me some information on the Spring Into Bed event coming up.  He’s a captain and he’s attempting to raise $1000 to help build one of the garden beds.

Spring Into Bed! is a community event to build and renew food gardens throughout Seattle on May 8th. Across the Puget Sound region, groups are working together on this one-day to raise awareness about food access and equity. Our goal is to raise $13,000 that will subsidize the building of 10 food justice gardens for people who could not otherwise afford to create a garden of their own. This money will also begin a program that will continue this work into the future. So far we have 8 team captains and are looking for two more community volunteers willing to be leaders of this important project. We are also putting a call out to Seattle to donate to this amazing project. These gardens empower people to connect with the environment, grow their own healthy and affordable food, and to share their gardening knowledge and crops back with their community.

“I tried to start my own garden before, but couldn’t afford the cost. I am most excited about restoring my cultural connection to food that sustains our people in Mexico. I am looking at the whole picture with culture, cooking, raising my son, physically working out in my yard and eating is the last part of it all.” 2010 Garden Recipient.

Mayor Mike McGinn will kick off this event on May 7th by building several gardens on the patios and balconies of City Hall. Food produced from the Mayor’s garden will be donated to a local food bank. On Saturday May 8th volunteers will gather at food justice garden hubs throughout the city, garden building will take place from 10am-3pm. Drop in and help if you want to get your hands dirty or participate from the comfort of your own backyard by renewing your food garden and adding your yard to the total for the event. We will end the day with a celebration of everyone’s hard work and commitment to growing access to good, healthy food. Meet us at South Seattle Community College from 4pm-8pm for a barbecue, there will be music, activities and lots of delicious food to chow on. A suggested donation for the celebration is $10-35, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Spring into bed is sponsored by Seattle Tilth and all donations are tax deductible. How will you spring into bed?

3 comments to Spring into Bed: Seattle Wide Garden Build Day and Celebration

  • They are building one behind North Helpline so we can grow fresh food for the clients. Go Spring Into Bed!

  • Please remember to tell people that the King County Master Gardeners offer free gardening information and handouts in the Garden Center of Lake City Fred Meyer (second floor).

    We just *love* to help people learn about starting new edible gardens.

    We also diagnose plant problems (bring a good-size sample in a plastic bag); teach watering, mulching, and selecting plants; and answer myriad other gardening questions. All free.

    >Wednesdays, 2-5 p.m.
    >Saturdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

    >Wednesdays, 2-5 p.m.
    >Saturdays, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

    >Wednesdays, 2-5 p.m.



  • BTW, although I volunteer at the Fred Meyer clinic, I’m NOT ANY KIND of official Master Gardener spokesperson.

    Here’s the boss:

    Elaine Anderson
    WSU Extension
    Master Gardener Program Coordinator
    Center for Urban Horticulture
    P.O. Box 354115
    Seattle WA 98195-4115
    206-685-5104, Phone * 206-221-2649, Fax

    Shipping Address
    3501 NE 41st Street Seattle 98105-9819

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