

Pinehurst Playfield Fire

I was out of town backpacking this weekend and I apparently missed some excitement. has more details on what they’re calling The Mystery of the Burning Poo.  They have pictures and details as well as a much more colorful description than I’ll be able to do on short notice so you should go read their version of the story.

The short summary is that the port-o-potty caught fire though there are not yet any details as to how…  Though as they note, it would be rather unusual for it to do it on its own.  I do remember at least a couple of them burning down (or exploding) when I was growing up on Queen Anne so we’re not the only ones…

3 comments to Pinehurst Playfield Fire

  • UrbanFarmerJosh

    There was a fire truck at the park again last night around 11:30pm…something about a rubbish fire. They brought in the fire marshall, so it sounds as though the fire was suspect. Anybody know anything? Two fires in less than two weeks is kind of scary…

  • Sarah

    Well It maybe because some one did the same thing and burnt down the replacement pottie. I was outta town that day so I missed it.

  • Renee

    That porta-potty has been a long standing target for vandalism. The original discussions for the shelterhouse project included restrooms with external access. Many neighborhood parks (Maple Leaf, Cal Anderson, Ravenna and more) have real restrooms that are open during normal park hours. They still have their own issues, but are not targets in the same way that a porta-potty is.

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