

Pinehurst Safeway Opening Celebration

Who else has been to the new Safeway already?  What does everybody think of the new building?  And the selection?  And everything else?  You can comment below and if you’ve got pictures you’d like you share you can email them to and I can add them.

As you can see, somebody already noticed the expanded beer selection…

Oh, and I’m trying a photo gallery this time (instead of a long list of pictures but if people have trouble with it let me know and I can go back to the old fashioned one instead.  This just seemed like more fun.

1 comment to Pinehurst Safeway Opening Celebration

  • Patti

    Currently I am not a happy camper with the new Safeway. I’ll admit I have not been in the new store yet. But, I am still a bit caught up in the incrediable construction mess and chaos of the past few weeks!!!! Not being able to pull out of your driveway and exit or enter our street on a timely basis has been quite frustrating! And the parking chaos continues!!!! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!

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