

NE 115th St Sidewalk Update

Seattle Department of Transportation has completed the 100% design for the new sidewalk on NE 115th St between 5th Ave NE and 7th Ave NE.

NE 115th – 5th to 7th – 100% Sidewalk Plan 1
NE 115th – 5th to 7th – 100% Sidewalk Plan 2

The sidewalk will be on the south side of the street. The sidewalk will start at 5th Ave NE as a 6′ wide asphalt surface with a concrete curb. Due to the large Madrone trees, there will be no planting strip along the corner lot. Once past the corner lot, the sidewalk will taper away from the street to make room for a 7½’ planting strip.

Parking will be allowed on the south side against the curb; no parking will be allowed on the north side.

There will be no improvement to the drainage on the north side of the street. Where the sidewalk will end at 5th Ave NE, Seattle Public Utilities will add a new storm water drain/inlet. This is a significant (costly) aspect of the project.

Construction is expected to occur this summer.

11 comments to NE 115th St Sidewalk Update

  • Sue

    Will parking be posted 4 hour? If not expect lots of folks to park and grab the bus on 115th and 5th.

  • Eric

    Yes, it will stay 4 hour parking. Although it is all bark and no bite, and I am happy about that. I would work to get the parking restriction removed if SDOT actually enforced it and ticketed me or a visitor for parking more than 4 hours.

  • Sylvia

    Does anyone know the process to get the 4 hour parking signs removed? Honestly, it’d be nice if folks would park on the street and grab the bus … the parked cars would cause traffic on the road to slow down.

  • Maria

    I am with Sylvia. Less traffic on the street would b great. There are lots of young kids now along 115th and a couple of deaf and/or elderly folks as well.

  • Eric

    Okay, let’s get it removed. Can someone please make a petition and get signatures for the people who live in on the block? I’m sure the project manager for the sidewalk construction would be happy to oblige.

  • Sue

    On the west side of 115th and on the part of 115th not lucky enough to have sidewalk cars park where pedestrians should be walking forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. Can I tell you how many moms with strollers and elderly with walkers almost get killed this way. I have tried to get police to ticket cars that park that way, they don’t. Come on folks. Think about it!!!

  • Julie

    Every morning at 7:00 as I walk to work on 115th starting at 5th ave there is a car parked on the southside right by the corner with someone sleeping inside( windows covered with towels and blankets), is that even legal? the car has Washington DC plates on it..

  • Eric

    Julie, is that east or west of 5th?

  • Dan

    So I’m curious…If one of the construction workers gets hit by a car while working on the sidewalk, would the city be more inclined to put in the rest of the sidewalks or does that position only count for residents getting run over?

  • Sue

    This is from the city

    The Department strives to balance the diverse and competing needs for curb spaces uses, and considers the adjacent land uses both in terms of each specific block as well as the larger surrounding area. In general the City’s priorities (as present in the Comprehensive Plan and other similar documents) do not support the use of on-street parking for long-term commuter parking.

    I have lived off 115th and 5th for over 20 years, if anyone wants to remove the 4 hour parking I will refer to this.

  • Julie M.

    The person sleeping in the car with dc plates was east of 5th but I haven’t seen them recently.
    There are at least three people sleeping in cars on 8th between 115th and northgate way. One couple has lived in their van for the 3 years I’ve had our dog. You notice a lot in the hood on dog walks!

    The sidewalk work has started! Thanks for all your work on making this a priority with the city!

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