

Link Station IN Our Neighborhood?

Seattle Transit Blog has an update that NE 130th has been Added to the North Corridor DEIS. This means that in Segment A (the name for the part from from Northgate to NE 185th) they have included multiple alternatives that include NE 130th as a station location in their Draft Environment Impact Study. That doesn’t tell us anything yet except that they’re keeping their options open but it’s an interesting idea, especially if those 4 minute headways could happen. Perhaps with a streetcar?

Inclusion of NE 130th is promising news. The Seattle City Council, led by Richard Conlin, unanimously passed Resolution 31168 supporting inclusion of the  NE 130th St station in the DEIS. The NE 130th St station also sailed through the ST Capital Committee, where it was also unanimously recommended for inclusion in the DEIS. In my opinion NE 130th St has unexpectedly become a very promising aspect of the North Corridor.

While the NE 130th St station has limited TOD potential, not unlike the other I-5 station locations, it has huge potential when it comes to connecting the hub urban villages of Bitter Lake and Lake City by transit. Given a concise restructure of Metro’s transit service that allows for very frequent (4-8 minute headways all day) East-West service on NE125th/NE130 between the two hub urban villages and Link, this station could go a very long way in redeeming the North Corridor with relation to TOD.

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1 comment to Link Station IN Our Neighborhood?

  • RossB

    I agree with the second paragraph completely. I think a station at 130th would be great. The 41 spends a good chunk of its time going from Northgate to downtown. This will go away. It spends about half of its remaining time going from Lake City Way to 130th (and the other half going from 130th to Northgate). This means that a new 41 (or whatever it is called) would be really fast. If it is really fast, than it can be really frequent. This should all add up to fast, frequent service from anywhere along 125th/130th to downtown.

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