

Pinehurst Pets – Romeo

Romeo the Wonder Watchdog: If you’ve walked by the corner of NE 120th and 25th NE while Romeo’s mom, Cheryl Stumbo, is home (the only times he’s allowed out in the fully fenced yard, so she can reign him in when his barking gets to be too much), you’ll undoubtedly meet Romeo at his favorite greeting post, at the back corner of their yard, which faces 25th NE. There, Romeo will likely pop up out of the hedge and put his big, fluffy front paws over the fence, hoping to make a new friend, while, paradoxically, barking his head off.

Romeo is a 5-year-old Goldendoodle (half Golden Retriever (mom) and half cream-colored Standard Poodle (dad)). Cheryl adopted him when he was 3 months old, and she was living in a tiny apartment in West Seattle, just one year into her recovery from being shot while at work in July, 2006, at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, downtown in the Belltown neighborhood. Romeo, while not an officially trained service dog, helped Cheryl in her recovery by making it easier to get out and be with the public again.

If you would like to see your pet featured in the Pinehurst Pets column, please send a photo and a story about your pet to

2 comments to Pinehurst Pets – Romeo

  • What a cutie. Makes a walk past 25th and 120th a must this week. Good boy, Romeo, helping your mom recover from her horrible trauma.

  • Erica Sternin

    Charlie Dog and I have walked past Romeo’s yard a couple of times and helped Romeo get in trouble ! He’s a beauty and I’m glad he makes all that racket when folks are walking by – doing his “job!” Good dog, Romeo!

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