

Improvements for Hubbard Homestead Park

We’re preparing an application for the Parks and Green Spaces Levy Opportunity Fund to bring adult (senior) exercise equipment and a children’s playground to Hubbard Homestead Park. Please email me ( to be added to an email list if you are interested in the project. Also, please let me know if you are interested in volunteering to make this a reality. We need volunteers both short-term to help with preparing the application, and if we get funds, long-term to see the project through to completion. Any help is much appreciated.

The skate park is still in the works. I’ll let you know when I have more details.

3 comments to Improvements for Hubbard Homestead Park

  • Renee

    Thank you for your work on this, Eric!

  • Thank you for starting on this needed work. The final version of Hubbard Homestead Park was a big disappointment for most people. It’s going to take a lot of community effort to fix what the Parks Department botched.

  • Sue

    Please refer to this website for current info on Hubbard Park and the process that lead up to what we now see. There was a lot of community outreach on this, but in the end the folks that wanted a passive park won the day.
    It isn’t fair to blame Parks entirely for this. I went to all of the meetings, including the PATs and the support just wasn’t there.
    Yes, it is going to take a HUGE amount of effort and much grant writing to get what we need at this park. Know that it takes a village and it’s never too late to make this happen.

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