

Want to Volunteer in the Neighborhood?

I’m cross-posting this from the Facebook group to make sure everybody sees it.

We had a lot of discussion at our last community meeting about people volunteering on projects in the neighborhood. Would people be interested in helping spread the word about the blog, Facebook group, email lists and other things going on in the neighborhood?

This could take many forms depending on feedback but I’m picturing us coming up with a flier with all the information and breaking the neighborhood into small walking lists to suit the people who volunteer. And people would just walk 4-5 blocks or whatever they’re interested in, get to know their neighbors, and spread the word to those who aren’t already part of these communities. I know some people are intimidated by this but you really shouldn’t be. You’re not selling anything, you’re not talking politics, you’re just meeting your nearby neighbors.

I’ve been planning this for a while but I’m hoping to expedite it to add the Gigabit Seattle signup to the list. I’d love for us to be the most active neighborhood in the city. And force them to cover our whole neighborhood in super fast Internet.

If you’re interested comment below (with contact information) or email me at

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