

Light Rail at NE 130th St?

DEIS_StationsAs you may be aware, one of the station locations being considered for the Link Light Rail extension to Lynnwood is NE 130th St, by I-5. Renee already posted in the Facebook group and Lake City Live has a really good write-up on some of the advantages of this location. From my perspective it’s especially good for future transit connections to Pinehurst, Lake City, and the other surrounding neighborhoods.

The Seattle city council is voting Monday @ 2:00 pm on their recommendations to Sound Transit.

Please consider even a short email to them before then ( if you support this alignment.










Lake City Live:

7 comments to Light Rail at NE 130th St?

  • The resolution passed 8-0 (Rasmussen was absent)

  • e a jewell

    Sadly, this means the ruin of my property value, my street, and my neighborhood. Time to sell up, and hope like hell I can shift it. Thanks very much for your consideration of innocent bystanders, everyone!!

  • I’m sorry you feel that way. I understand there are probably areas that are going to have less desirable effects but they are working to mitigate those as much as possible. I think everybody has put a lot of consideration into the effects on the nearby property values, streets, and the neighborhood. That’s why a decision hasn’t been made yet. And why this isn’t going to be done until 2023. There’s a lot of outreach and paperwork to do still. But for most of Pinehurst I think this would be a very positive development.

    Also, this vote was purely the city council advising Sound Transit to look at the line. They don’t have any control over the decision.

  • Sue

    I haven’t followed transit stuff so this is all news to me. There is virtually no land at 130th on the west side of 5th so I’m having a real hard time figuring what this would look like. Anyone?

  • Chuck

    If you go to the web site and use the search function with “Lynnwood Link” as the search term, you can then see a large number of documents relating to the project, including station alternatives. The 130th Station alternative would likely use land on the east side of 5th, if it is selected. On the Sound Transit web site you can also sign up for alerts on any of their projects and comment on projects in development. Comment period for this phase of the Lynnwood project ended on Sep 25, but there will be plenty of opportunities to comment as the project development moves forward.

  • Sue

    Thanks Chuck
    Actually it is showing land on the west side of 5th north of 130th as the platform. Looks like the church would be impacted the most, either with parking or going away altogether. Glad it is north of 130th. I was having a hard time even imagining. I do understand how those on the east side wouldn’t be too thrilled having it that close.

  • Take a look at the write-up on Lake City Live (linked above) too which includes the PDF of the city council’s document at the bottom. Their recommendation also keeps the station along the freeway with some small re-alignments of 5th so the hope is that there would be minimal impacts with the church. They also talk about the Latvian church near 117th and helping to prevent issues there. Though that’s regardless of the station placement as it has to do with the line itself.

    Also, a common thread that has come up when discussing this station is that it would not be a car-oriented station. There isn’t a lot of room for parking garages or upzoning and that would generally focus more on other stations. This one has the advantage of easy access to Lake City and Haller Lake. I don’t have the exact number in front of me but they have both had tremendous growth recently. More than Northgate even. And being able to connect them to Link would be a tremendous win for the larger region.

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