

Seattle Police Seeking Information

Seattle_Police_BadgeAt the February meeting of the North Precinct Advisory Council, the North Precinct Captain asked members for help. He is interested to learn from citizens “what are your fears?” So he asked us all to go back to our communities and ask this question, compile responses, and send them to him.

He said that an important way for the police to know what the citizens are thinking, worrying about, afraid of regarding public safety, is to ask them and then to  listen to them. This information will help the police do a better job.

So, please help us compile some responses. Are you afraid to walk outside at night? Afraid of having your car stolen? Afraid to go to parks alone? Afraid of police brutality? Let us know.

You may respond in the comments section below, or if you want privacy, email We will not use names when we compile the responses.

Thank you!

11 comments to Seattle Police Seeking Information

  • Sue

    I always worry about my 18year old daughter when she goes for a run. Personal safety is probably my biggest concern. Material things can be replaced.

  • J.

    I’m afraid of traffic (pedestrian and vehicular accidents) all along Lake City Way, ineffective apartment managers not resolving issues with parties and drug dealing, and the usual worries of being alone at night outside. I am *not* afraid of officers, every one I’ve met up this way – even if clearly overly busy – has been understanding and helpful.

  • Patricia

    The traffic accidents at 115th and Roosevelt are out of control. At least one a month at that intersection. That’s also a school bus stop. I’d like to see a flashing light or even a traffic light at that intersection.

  • I’m afraid of our house getting broken into, and nobody following up on the robbery. Last year, our house was broken into twice within 3 months. I even tracked down the culprit, but police wouldn’t do anything. I gave them more than enough information for an investigation, but nothing. Every time I leave my house, I feel helpless to prevent getting invaded again. It’s hard to have faith in a police force who just ignores it’s citizens…

  • John Ryan

    Being a man over 70 years old, (there are two of us over 70 in the house) my concern is always being broken in to, as well as being out after dark. I have made the decision I will not live in fear, but try to be positive in thinking, not always possible when you watch the 10 p.m. news!
    My encounters with SPD have always been been positive and helpful. You folks do a job I wouldn’t, not for all the money in the world.
    The fire department and Aid Car teams are pretty amazing folks as well. Sometimes these things just need to be said!

  • Amy Wimmer

    I worry about our house being broken into, even when I am home. I am frustrated by the lack of any police follow-up to the dozens of burgleries in our neighborhood.

  • Liz Riggs Meder

    Burglary. Every single year we’ve lived here, our car or a tenant’s car has been broken into. Recently we had mail stolen from our mailbox resulting in a time consuming and headache inducing identity theft problem.

    I worry also about speeding on residential streets, but I think that has more to do with infrastructure than police enforcement.

  • Deb

    Break-ins to my house.
    Breaks-ins to my car (it has happened several times.)
    Falling or being otherwise hurt while alone.
    Speeding cars while taking a walk.
    Taking a walk without sidewalks.

  • Donna

    Speed of cars on 115th between 5th and Roosevelt you would think it is a racetrack.

  • Nancy

    Thanks everyone, I’ve collected your comments, tabulated them and sent them to the Captain.

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