

Help Tally Pinehurst’s Cyclists and Walkers


Preparations underway for 2014 bicycle, pedestrian count Sept. 30–Oct. 2. Call for volunteers.

During a three-day survey last year, volunteers counted nearly 66,000 bicyclists and pedestrians across Washington. As another survey cycle approaches, about 400 volunteers will be called upon again this fall to tally the number of people who ride a bike or walk to their destinations.

WSDOT and the Cascade Bicycle Club are enlisting volunteers and organizations such as Feet First and Washington Bikes to help count the people they see bicycling and walking along paths, bike lanes, sidewalks and other facilities Tuesday, Sept. 30, through Thursday, Oct. 2. Counts will be taken at assigned locations in nearly 40 cities throughout the state.

WSDOT’s count is part of the National Documentation Project, an annual bicycle and pedestrian count and survey effort sponsored by the Institute of Transportation Engineers Pedestrian and Bicycle Council. The count will also help measure WSDOT’s progress toward its goal of increasing bicycling and walking while reducing the number of vehicle miles driven.

If you are interested in helping, you can learn more by visiting WSDOT’s survey website, emailing the Cascade Bicycle Club at, or calling 206-861-9890.


1 comment to Help Tally Pinehurst’s Cyclists and Walkers

  • Erin

    Yes, but please, truthfully now people, how many of that 66,000 were actually cyclists?
    Sure. Tally the people out and about in July. Then come back and tally during the winter months. It is time to get honest about the real use of our neighborhood streets and work to make it more efficient for all traveling through North Seattle, not just those on their feet or two wheels.

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