


11/11  1900 blk NE 113th  this house is for sale and the owner is not staying in it,  she went to check on it and found food and dirty dishes, garbage and a bed that had been slept in,  there was no sign of forced entry

11/15  11500 blk Pinehurst Wy NE  the resident was gone all day and when she returned she found the balcony sliding glass door fully opened,  she said she leaves it partially open for her cat, a laptop and cash had been stolen

11/23  12500 blk 19th NE  the residents were gone all day, when they arrived home they discovered that electronic games and DVD’s missing, there was no sign of forced entry and they suspect a troubled relative may have stolen the property

11/27  12000 blk Roosevelt Wy NE  the residents were away for the afternoon, when they returned they found a ground level back sliding glass door had been forced open and their apt. rifled,  they were not sure what property was taken

*unofficial stats 

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