

Monday Night Trivia at Boud’s Pinehurst Pub

Boud’s Pinehurst Pub has a trivia night every Monday at 7:00PM. For more information about trivia night, see, although the web site is incorrect about the starting time, which is 7:00PM and not 9:00PM.

1 comment to Monday Night Trivia at Boud’s Pinehurst Pub

  • Hey, I’m the manager of the pinehurst pub. I greatly appreciate your mention of our trivia night on your website, however I must point out our changing time schedule. We currently hold trivia at 9pm due to monday night football. After the superbowl we will move trivia to 8pm on Monday, Feb. 7th. Just a heads up 🙂
    Jesi Hocking
    General Manager
    Boud’s Pinehurst Pub

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