

Summer Crime Prevention

I just wanted to send along another reminder to lock your doors and windows and be aware. The summer months have higher rates of home invasions. It seems like a safe assumption that this is often related to more people leaving doors and windows open or unlocked as they’re in and out more often. I’ve been told again and again that it doesn’t matter how short a time you’re away, you still need to lock up. It can only take a few minutes to get in and out if something’s unlocked.

Also, it was passed along to me that there were multiple thwarted burglaries in the neighborhood near the Pinehurst Playground. They didn’t happen because neighbors were alert and got involved which is great. Though obviously the fact that they had to get involved is less great…

7 comments to Summer Crime Prevention

  • ScanMan

    I wasn’t aware of any attempted burglaries in our neighborhood. Can you give us any additional details? Thanks!

  • John

    Depending on your property’s layout, just assume that people are routinely trying your doors to see if they’re unlocked. A friend who lives a block off of Northgate Way had her laptop stolen a couple of weeks ago by somebody who just walked in her side door, grabbed it, and left, in broad daylight. Hers is a busy household, and somebody just left the door unlocked. These are pretty common, and it can be a lot quicker than a few minutes. I make sure the front door is locked if I’m in the shower, or mowing the back yard. Nothing to freak out about, it just prevents a burglary with almost zero effort.

  • I don’t actually have any more details unfortunately. It was just passed along to me from a neighbor in the area.

  • Eric

    Back when the SPD was releasing neighborhood monthly burglary reports, there were consistently 5 or more per month in Pinehurst. Most were “unforced entry”, meaning that the thief entered through an unlocked door or window.

  • On June 16 (Wednesday) at about 2:15 PM, two young men (approximately 16 years of age) were seen at a home on 14th Ave. NE (just south of NE 120th). One of them went to the front door and knocks, while the other went around to the back in an attempt to open the back door and check for open windows. An alert neighbor saw this, called the police, and then went outside to observe more. When the youths noticed that they were being watched, they left immediately. They then went north on 12th Ave. NE, went east on NE 123rd St, and were last seen going north onto 14th Ave. NE. (towards NE 125th St.)

  • ScanMan

    Good to know Eric! Any more info on the descriptions of the suspects? White? Black? Tall? Skinny? Carrying a backpack? Every little bit of information helps us all to be more vigilant in deterring crime…

  • Lakegrrl

    My house (Sand Point Way/113th) was broken into last summer when I left a VERY SMALL and high-up bathroom window open. Someone must have had a small partner working with them that they helped through the window. They had tried another window (that was locked) first and couldn’t get in. Now I ALWAYS close and lock all windows whenever I leave. It stinks to have to do this, but it was horrible having my house invaded. I can’t believe how many home invasions Seattle has!

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