

Neighborhood Schools Meeting – Monday, October 13th 7 to 9 PM

Are quality, vibrant, inclusive neighborhood schools important to you? If so, please join us for a community meeting focused on our Pinehurst and Olympic Hills neighborhood schools. Seattle Public Schools Boardmembers Peter Maier and Sherry Carr and Olympic Hills Elementary School Principal Zoe Jenkins will attend. (We are hoping to have representatives for other schools as well and will update this page as we have additional information.)

Monday, October 13th
7 to 9 PM
Olympic Hills School

(13018 20th Ave NE; Seattle, WA 98125)

The focus of this meeting is to connect young families with our neighborhood schools and speak with school board members and school principals to understand what we as a community can do to make a difference in our neighborhood schools.

Right now, many Pinehurst and Olympic Hills neighborhood families choose to send their children to private school or public schools outside of our neighborhood. With a growing population of school-age children in the north end of Seattle, some of the options that families have been relying on may be less available and families will likely begin look to our neighborhood schools such as Olympic Hills Elementary and Northgate Elementary as the schools to send their children to.

Attending our neighborhood schools builds community and encourages walking which is healthy both for our kids and for our environment.

There is a previous blog post on neighborhood schools here.

Please save the date and pass on word to all who may be interested.

Questions: Renee at 366-9472 or

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