

Jackson Park Trail – Update

There have been a few significant developments regarding the proposed Jackson Park Trail and I wanted to pass on:

Presentation by UW Community, Environment and Planning Students
The University of Washington Community, Environment and Planning students (Courty, Genevieve, Blair and Bjorn) whom we have been working with this quarter have completed their community outreach and analysis of input they received regarding a possible Jackson Park Trail. They will be presenting to the community Monday, December 8th at 7:30 PM at Amante Pizza (12319 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle – (206) 362-6666). Join us for some pizza, a soda or a Monday Special on beer and wine and learn more about the project. The team did a great job.

Golf Master Plan and Update on Potential Trail Route
The Seattle Parks and Recreation Golf Course Master Plan folks have done a lot of work on the planning for potential golf course updates at all of the Seattle municipal golf courses. Included in their work is analysis of possible trails at all of the golf courses. Here is a link to a preliminary draft map of a possible trail route at Jackson Park. Note the trail areas in red. These are areas that are extremely expensive (multimillions of dollars) to build due to slope, drainage and other issues. In light of the knowledge that some sections of a perimeter trail would be cost prohibitive to build in the immediate future, we will need to consider this in our discussions as we move forward. In being pragmatic in this, I think it is unlikely that we will have a full ring trail in the near future at Jackson Park. However, we still have the potential to build a number of long and scenic trails that could form a partial ring.

In light of all of the work that has been done, I am working now to talk with Parks to understand our next steps and the ways in which Friends of Jackson Park Trail can most effectively work with Seattle Parks and Recreation on this project.

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