

Neighbor Appreciation Day

Saturday, February 12, 2011, will mark Seattle’s 17th annual celebration of Neighbor Appreciation Day. It’s the day when we reach out, create new bonds, and express thanks to those who live or work around us.


The celebration began in 1995 when Phinney Ridge activist Judith Wood suggested that the City designate “a special day to celebrate the goodness in those around us and to reach out and strengthen our bonds to each other.” Mayor Norm Rice responded by proclaiming the Saturday before Valentine’s Day as Neighbor Appreciation Day. The observance has grown every year since.

The day is celebrated across Seattle by groups of neighbors, organizations, or neighbor to neighbor. People organize block parties, potluck dinners, or work parties to recognize and encourage caring neighbors.

Student Art Contest

By tradition, we ask Seattle students every year to send us drawings of what they think it means to be good neighbors. The winners of the contest have their art adorning thousands of Neighbor Appreciation Day cards available throughout the city prior to the day’s events. Beginning January 15, the FREE greeting cards will be available at City Hall, the seven Neighborhood Service Centers, community centers, and libraries throughout Seattle.

So get some of those cards and send them to your neighbors! Organize a potluck, block watch party, or other event.  For help organizing an event, go to, where the above text originated. 🙂

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