

Dreams of cupcakes?

I had coffee today with Danae of Lake City Live fame. She mentioned a post on a nearby Seattle neighborhood blog (that shall be nameless) in which a poster said that they will know their neighborhood has finally “made it” when they have a cupcake shop. I am not sure what I think of this. I know that most people in Pinehurst want to see more restaurants, pubs and shopping within walking distance and in the Pinehurst central business district on 15th Ave. But, I am not sure if people want the full on upscale shopping experience. What do you think?

10 comments to Dreams of cupcakes?

  • Anonymous

    I wouldn’t go against cupcake shop ;), but I know what you mean.

    I’m not huge fun of Ballard downtown area anymore due to the same reason. But I would like to see more places neighborhood people can hang out, such as independent cafe (not big name like starbucks or tullys), or 3rd place book store kind of places.

    Blue saucer cafe in Maple leaf is a good example.

  • sparhawk2k

    Heh. The anonymous comment was very similar to what I was going to say actually… I certainly can’t argue with cupcakes but I also don’t want/need everything to be super upscale. Though a cute cafe that also does an assortment of baked goods including cupcakes could fill all those roles?

    Also, I’m signing the paperwork tomorrow on my future home in Pinehurst!

  • Anonymous

    My dream would be a nice deli with soups and sandwiches! Seems like every neighborhood in Portland has a great deli! Seattle sadly is lacking in this category. And congrats on your new home!

  • Renee

    Yes, welcome to the neighborhood, sparhawk2k!

    I am interested to see what happens once (my fingers are still crossed for it all to go through) the new Safeway opens. I have been talking with property owners in the neighborhood who own underdeveloped property, especially along 15th Ave in the business district. They are watching the neighborhood as well and are potentially interested in doing some nice redevelopment that could bring the cafes, delis, restaurants, etc. that people have been wanting in the neighborhood.

  • EricaS

    Personally, I have always really wished for a lot more retail in our neighborhood — upscale and not so upscale — but just somewhere to go and walk around and get a bite to eat and hang out — I grew up on Capitol Hill and miss the street scene a lot.

  • YL

    I also have been wishing for places to walk to and sit with my dog for a coffee, a paper or a local brew. Working out of my home has me wanting even less to get in the car for anything anymore!

  • YL

    PS: Hi Erica! Love the neighborhood pet section!!! I should get off my butt and get you some photos of my girls 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Cupcakes notwithstanding, I think a neighborhood “makes it” when it can lock out the big chain stores and have locally owned businesses and cafes/restaurants that thrive.

  • Anonymous

    Please, please, please can someone open a family-friendly pub in Pinehurst!!!! We are desperate for somewhere we can walk to like the Maple Leaf Grill, the Jones or the Hudson. Maple Leaf has three such pubs and we have none! Please will some restaurateur read my post and build a cozy pub on 15th in Pinehurst!!!!!!! Who needs cupcakes; we need a family-friendly pub.

  • Renee

    Amante Pizza is family friendly. And, they are in Pinehurst. Also, Chaiyo is very family friendly. Enat (Ethopian) is also pretty family friendly. And, all have beer and wine and are in walking distance.

    That said, I am working to summarize the recent Pinehurst poll. It definitely shows an unmet demand for businesses in Pinehurst. I plan to share it with folks who own property in the neighborhood and folks who could potentially open businesses in the neighborhood.

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