

*Pinehurst/Victory Heights Residential Burglary Report – April 2009

If you have any questions on crime prevention or if you would like to form a block watch, please contact Diane Horswill ( or at (206) 684-7711) at the North Precinct. Also, there is some good information on crime prevention here.

4/23 500blk NE 125th reported at 11:20AM, the resident came home, parked in his attached garage and turned off his alarm before entering the house, he saw movement through the slinding door at the rear of the house and when he checked he saw 3 teen males outside the door, one had a large rock held above his head and it appeared he was going to throw it and break the glass, when the teens saw the resident, they took off and the resident ran after them while calling 911, the suspects split up but the resident was able to catch up with the one who had the rock, officers arrived and took the teen into custody

4/27 11500blk 23rd NE reported at 7:12PM, a neighbor heard the alarm going off at this house, she looked outside and saw a car she did not recognize backing out of the driveway, she thought she saw a door ajar and a bike hanging part way out, she was also able to obtain the license plate, officers arrived and found broken glass from a side door and a large rock that was probably used, the suspect’s car was not located at the time but there will be follow up

*unofficial stats

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