

Nick Licata, Candidate for Seattle City Council Position 6

Note: In the interest of helping Pinehurst neighbors to learn about the candidates who are running for local office in 2009, I invited all candidates to submit information about themselves and their campaigns to post on the Pinehurst Blog. This is the ninth post in the series.

Since becoming your Seattle City Councilmember in 1998, I have consistently fought for solutions that strengthen local democracy and protect your welfare. To meet these objectives, I continue to be guided by the following principles:

Efficient Government by basing public investments on measurable public return.

Open, Transparent Government
to assure elected officials makes decisions based on facts, not personal contacts.

Fair Distribution of Public Resources
across our city so all residents have their greatest needs addressed first.

I will continue my work implementing the Neighborhood Policing Plan to add 105 patrol officers over 5 years, safeguarding the services of those most in need, and working toward a cost-effective transportation system.

I’d like to share with you a few examples of how I’ve accomplished these goals during my last term and how I’m working for you now.

I led the Council to identify money to hire new police officers for the first time in 30 years. This resulted from a Neighborhood Public Safety Forum I held as Chair of the Council’s Public Safety Committee. I asked what Seattle residents and businesses wanted. The answer was clear: more police on the street. I got to work and made it happen. Next month, I’ll be voting to keep hiring new officers.

I sponsored the creation of a Pedestrian Master Plan to help make Seattle more walkable. I put in sidewalks where they’re needed for safety and access to transit. Just last month I sponsored legislation approving this plan. It targets spending $15 million annually on implementation. I support dedicating an additional new revenue source to kick start still more of this plan.

I also worked with my Council colleagues to amend the Streetcar Network legislation to include standards for cost-effectiveness and to ensure it doesn’t cut bus service. This matters because streetcars are intended to serve close-in neighborhoods. We need to make sure streetcars don’t reduce bus service for Seattle neighborhoods that aren’t close to Downtown.

Many people depend on the library not just for reading materials, but for computer access to find employment. During last year’s budget process, I lead the Council in adding funds over the Mayor’s proposed amount for library computers and materials. This year, I am leading the Council in restoring library hours the Mayor proposes cutting in 2010.

These are just a few examples of what I’ve been doing recently. I want to continue this work and I pledge to do so by maintaining an open-door policy for everyone. Please visit to learn more about me and my work on the Council.

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