

North Precinct Advisory Council Minutes for January 2017


This month’s guest speaker was the SPD North Precinct’s head of the Community Police Team, Sgt. Dianne Newsom. She explained how these officers handle long-term, often chronic problems specific to neighborhoods. Each officer has an area. Pinehurst is served by Bryan Kennedy, 206-233-3734, CPT officers work on problems called in by residents, so do call him if you have on-going problems. CPT uses creative problem-solving, and when useful, gets other agencies to help, such as SDOT, social service departments, or Parks and Rec.

Crime-wise, the Captain said that north precinct crime in 2016 was up 1% compared to 2015. January and February had big increases, but November and December had significant decreases compared to 2015. The Skywatch elevated tower helped reduce crime at Northgate MallĀ over the holidays by more than 50%.

Read more about these topic, and more, in the minutes here.

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