

Got a Small Park or Street Improvement Project in Mind?

Do you have an idea for a small-scale improvement in a park or street in our neighborhood?

Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks & Streets is an opportunity for community members to directly decide how to spend $2 million​ of the City’s budget on small-scale physical improvement projects in Seattle’s parks & streets. These can be crosswalks, medians, flashing beacons, sidewalk repair, curb ramps, park benches, trail improvements, etc.  Each project must be under $90K.  All through February, Your Voice, Your Choice will be collecting ideas.
On Saturday, February 18, Lake City Greenways will be hosting an idea-collection event at the Lake City branch library meeting room between 12:30 and 2:00 p.m.  This will be a  drop-in, swing by, or stay-as-long-as-you-like affair. Brainstorm with your neighbors, get help putting together ideas, or simply come by to watch it unfold!

3 comments to Got a Small Park or Street Improvement Project in Mind?

  • Marilyne

    I have a street improvement that needs to be fixed very badly. On the corner of 11th Ave. NE and NE 135th the entire end of the street becomes a lake when it rains. There is no where for the water to go. The neighbors who live on the corner of that intersection have to place sand bags at the sidewalk entrance so the water will not creep up to their door. The situation has been reported, and the city has come to check it out. All that was notably been done were two signs placed at the waters edge saying, “Water Over Roadway”. They have been there for at least a year. This is hazardous to drive through and an obstacle for walkers.
    Thank you!

  • Jennifer Charlton

    There should be a crosswalk across 15th Ave NE at NE123rd Street. So many people cross there to get to Safeway and access the bus stops at that intersection! There should be a crosswalk!

  • Jennifer, I totally agree. Unmarked crosswalks are technically there, but no-one respects them. I’d highly recommend that you attend the meeting this coming Saturday to have your voice heard. I plan to be there, and I will totally back you up on this.


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