

Seattleites can be so passive aggressive

If you don’t like something, just ignore it and maybe it will go away:
Ignore the sidewalk

Ignore the parallel parking only sign

5 comments to Seattleites can be so passive aggressive

  • Garth Ferber

    It also irritates me when I see cars parked across sidewalks. In some cases it may be passive agressivness, in other cases stupidity. Maybe it would help to leave a note asking the driver to park properly along the side of the street or elsewhere.

  • Garth

    oops that’s spelled aggressiveness….

  • Anonymous

    Parking on a sidewalk is illegal. Think of anyone in a wheelchair or walker who cant get around this car. Waiting for the person who is in the wheelchair to call is unsafe and impractical. If I see a car parked on a sidewalk I call parking enforcement right away. They will ticket and tow a car rather quickly. I think it’s all of our social responsibility to turn in the blatant offenders – they have no defense.

    Parking Enforcement/Police Non-Emergency Contact
    206-625-5011. Alternatively you can contact the North Prescient and ask the officer on duty how to contact the Parking Enforcement on duty.

  • Anonymous

    But you know, in the first two pictures, it really ISN’T obvious that this is a sidewalk — no curb, etc– I mean, clearly, if a wheelchair needed to pass, they would have a problem, but on the other hand, it is POSSIBLE that the driver simply didn’t pay much attention and parked as far out of the street as they could. The bottom picture, also, it is not clear to me where the sidewalk begins and the street ends. Just giving the benefit of the doubt, you know….

  • Anonymous

    The car owner in the top photos definitely knows that it is a sidewalk. They have had multiple mailings about the sidewalk construction and had watched the sidewalk being built the week before the photo was taken.

    The issue in the lower photo is not the sidewalk but the fact that the sign says parallel parking only and the car is parked next to that sign.

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