

Neighborhood Street Fund/Cumulative Reserve Fund – Projects being considered for the next round

These are the Neighborhood Street Fund/Cumulative Reserve Fund projects that were chosen last night for further consideration and cost analysis are:

Top 5
2008-346 (Victory Heights/Maple Leaf) Sacajawea sidewalk
2008-367 (Meadowbrook) striping of at grade sidewalk NE 105th
2009-003 (Maple Leaf) crosswalk on 15th NE at NE 88th
2009-061 (Pinehurst) speed bumps on 14th NE and NE 127th
2009-129 (Lake City) sidewalk

2008-315 (Pinehurst) chicane or speed bumps 17th NE
2009-173 (Meadowbrook) sidewalk NE 104th Pl/45th NE
2009-186 (Meadowbrook) speed bumps 30th NE (Nathan Hale HS)
2009-188 (Meadowbrook) traffic circle at NE 110th/38th NE
2009-189 (Meadowbrook) traffic circle at NE 103rd/32nd NE

Seattle Department of Transportation will evaluate the proposals for feasibility and cost and will provide this information to North District Council who will then decide (likely in July 2009) the projects to be funded. Total budget is around $100,000.

The complete list of projects considered from North District is here. Learn more about the Neighborhood Street Fund/Cumulative Reserve Fund here.

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